Revealed MisteriesHow was the mystery of the lost city of Troy solved May 17, 2024307 views8 minute read The mystery of the lost city of Troy is one of the most captivating tales in archaeology and… 0 Shares 0 0
ConspirationsPineal gland: Secrets of the third eye November 11, 2022730 views7 minute read Once upon a time, many of the world’s creatures had, in addition to the pair of eyes we… 0 Shares 0 0
Revealed MisteriesHow widespread is water in the universe? November 7, 2022736 views7 minute read The water molecule is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen, with the chemical formula H2O (consisting of… 0 Shares 0 0
Hidden HistoryThe tomb of the Red Queen – one of the most enigmatic landmarks of the Mayans November 2, 2022699 views6 minute read The ancient Mayan civilization continues to fascinate archaeologists, historians, scientists, and enthusiasts of events anchored in ancestral times,… 0 Shares 0 0
Thruth about ReligionWhat did Einstein say to his students when he was asked about the existence of God? October 31, 2022741 views4 minute read When Einstein gave lectures at American universities, the question students most often asked him was: Do you believe… 0 Shares 0 0
Hidden HistoryWhat did the pharaohs look like? October 30, 2022778 views4 minute read Russian anthropologists succeeded in reconstructing the appearance of three Egyptian pharaohs: Amenhotep III, Ramses I and Merenptah. By… 0 Shares 0 0
Hidden History Revealed Misteries How did the great pandemic disappear from history of humanity? October 25, 2022607 views4 minute read A pandemic is a disease that affects almost the entire population of a region or continent, usually in… 0 Shares 0 0
ConspirationsA censored truth about the Spanish Flu(The 1918 Influenza pandemic), the most dangerous epidemic of the past century October 19, 2022558 views4 minute read History tells us that the Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 influenza pandemic, killed between 50 and… 0 Shares 0 0
Hidden HistoryNawarla Gabarnmang, the oldest cave painting in the world October 5, 20202.0K views3 minute read Nawarla Gabarnmang is a large rockshelter located in remote Jawoyn Aboriginal country in southwestern Arnhem Land, Australia. Within… 0 Shares 0 0
Hidden HistoryINCREDIBLE DISCOVERY IN ROMANIA: 80 giant humanoid skeletons found in Giurgiu County! May 24, 2020752 views3 minute read Ionita Florea, who has been involved in several archaeological excavations in Argedava, tells us how the giant skeletons… 0 Shares 0 0
Revealed MisteriesSeven of the most powerful pharaohs of Egypt April 5, 2018617 views3 minute read They established the kingdom of the Nile valley, they have erected monumental structures, they gathered tremendous wealth and,… 0 Shares 0 0
Revealed MisteriesArchaeologists believe they have found the place where Jesus was condemned to death March 29, 2018608 views3 minute read Archaeologists say that the features of Herod’s palace, which was later used as a prison, fit the description… 0 Shares 0 0
Revealed MisteriesSpider bites and scorpion stings: Treatment methods, alternative treatment March 13, 2018549 views3 minute read Spider bites cause more fear rather than major and serious harm. For the bites to be serious, spiders… 0 Shares 0 0
Hidden History Revealed Misteries Homo sapiens have been present in China since at least 100,000 years ago July 30, 2016566 views2 minute read Generally accepted view on the evolution of our own species claim that Homo sapiens arosed in eastern Africa… 0 Shares 0 0
Aliens and UFO'sAliens from the ocean depths – declarations of some submarine commanders October 30, 20151.6K views9 minute read In the middle of April 2015, press agencies had broadcast news according to which some researchers at Penn… 0 Shares 0 0
Conspirations10 myths about global warming October 2, 2015538 views5 minute read I think many of you have heard often lately pronounced the words “global warming” or “greenhouse effect” close… 0 Shares 0 0
Revealed MisteriesTen events that the scientific community cannot explain June 6, 2015509 views8 minute read With the development and achievements of modern science, mankind has come to believe that scientists can offer an… 0 Shares 0 0
Hidden HistoryCelts, Druids and immortality June 4, 2015765 views7 minute read The Celts didn’t had well organized doctrine, but different textual evidence, archaeological or iconographics can give us an… 3 Shares 0 3
Hidden History10 fascinating things about knights September 20, 2014501 views5 minute read From Knights of the Round Table to TV series, western culture is full of stories about knights. It’s… 0 Shares 0 0
Hidden HistoryThe war of the roses – the epic battle between house Lancaster and house York September 20, 2014572 views4 minute read One of the most important historical event in the medieval era was The war of the two Roses.… 0 Shares 0 0