Five Web Design Tips You Need


It isn’t easy to create an amazing web site. That said, with the right knowledge, it becomes a simpler task. Reading this article will provide you with some tips which come from experts in the field who know how to design exceptional web sites time after time. Read on to find out how they ensure their sites are the cream of the crop.

“Speed is king when it comes to web design. No one wants to wait around for a site to load.” said experts from When you are selecting a web host, sign up for a free trial and throw a graphics-heavy page up to test it.

Time it as it loads and the compare that statistic between all of the hosts you are considering. As you design the site itself, do so with load times in mind. Use less graphics and make your pages shorter so they load in a flash.

If people can’t find their way around your site, they will leave. Be sure to include navigation methods which are clear and easy to use. Most people expect to find menus at the top or bottom of the page, or on the left side.

They want to find contact links and social media buttons at the top or bottom right. Consider the sites you use now and what makes their navigation easy to use, then replicate the ideas they have in place.

“You have to create a website which works the same on a desktop computer as it does on a mobile device. That either means creating your site in a way which scales easily, or creating separate sites for each device.” told us Dan, from

You can use more graphics and larger chunks of text on a desktop site, and then less graphics and smaller text content on a site which is geared towards mobile devices. When everyone who visits your site finds it easy to use, they will come back for more.

Don’t forget that not everyone uses the same browser you do. Apple products come with Safari built in, so that is likely the browser in use on their devices. Some people use Chrome, even though they are on a Windows machine and it comes with Internet Explorer built in. Check your website in all browsers on all platforms so you know that it works as expected.

Test your site out to find any errors which may have been overlooked. For example, a typo in an email address, spelling errors, broken links or graphics which don’t appear.

Ask people you know online and off to pretend they are using the site as a visitor would, such as someone shopping through your store or reading through your content, and then report back to you with any problems they find.

These tips are the best, so you can use them on your site knowing that they will improve it. They came from the experts who design sites which you are impressed with every day. Seeking out advice from those in the know makes you a smart web designer, so pat yourself on the back for a job well done.